
There are a lot of hiking and biking trails in and around Phoenix. This site is my effort to catalog and share those trails.

I have always liked to spend a lot of time outside, mostly mountain biking, but with the beautiful trails here in Phoenix I’ve also started to do a lot more hiking. This blog is my way of sharing some to the hiking and biking trails here in Phoenix. And I’ve got a bag full of opinions and photographs. Neither are probably very good, so you may want to avert your eyes when you get to them.


I make a reasonable effort to include accurate and up-to-date information on this blog, but I assume no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content on this site. I’m just one guy walking and rolling through the trails of the greater Phoenix area. Be forewarned, I make lots of mistakes. Readers should use their best judgement and prepare themselves for harsh desert conditions before engaging in any outdoor activity in this region.

I do not receive free products or receive compensation from the companies I write about. I use Amazon Affiliate links to link to product pages on Amazon.com. When you follow one of these affiliate links, I will get a very small commission if you buy anything on the other end of that link. So it is obviously in my interest to encourage you buy stuff. This goes for any website that uses affiliate systems. But my first priority is accurate and (hopefully) insightful analysis, reviews, and observations.

Should I talk about Microsoft or Apple for some reason, it’s important to know that I own Microsoft and Apple stock. Not much, but still, you should be aware of that.

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